Surge Protection
Surges are unexpected and can be extremely costly to deal with. Without proper precautions, a power surge will fry your delicate expensive electronics. Which means no more movie nights for you. You can try to take steps to avoid this by purchasing point-of-use surge protection devices (SPDs) and plugging certain devices into them. But this isn’t necessarily effective, as power surges aren’t restricted to just one or two ways into your home. The telephone line, your electrical service line, and an antenna are all ways electricity can get routed to your home, and that just scratches the surface. SPD’s alone are not sufficient. The most prudent prevention is investing in a whole-home surge protection service. Doing this will shield your appliances from the smaller, less noticeable surges that routinely occur throughout the day as well as the more powerful ones. You’ll never have to see a storm roll in and worry about whether your home’s electrical infrastructure will hold up.
- Whole-House Surge Protection
- TV Surge Protection
- Lightning Surge Protection
- Surges Protection for Electrical Devices
- Power Surge Protection
- Computer Surge Protection
Although surge protection is not technically necessary, they do serve a purpose as they help prevent exposing your electronics and other devices to spikes in voltage supplied to them especially during lightning strikes.
Surge protection helps protect devices in your electrical system from large voltage spikes that can damage electronic devices.