Electrical Service Upgrade
A great time to upgrade your system is with the installation of a new appliance or electrical system. This could include things such as a hot tub, sauna or solar panel, you can also consider this when you are looking to extend your home. It is important to consult with us first before making the rushed decision to fully upgrade, it may not be necessary.
An electrical service upgrade in your home is often a technically complex job and requires an experienced electrician to perform the required upgrades in a safe and controlled manner.
When your usage draws more power than your circuits can handle, the risk for a fire is very real. You are also exposing your home to continued short circuits. This is an issue that affects homes and businesses equally. The need for reliable power is vital on both counts. Contact us now for an evaluation and an estimate on your electrical upgrade.
If you are looking to get a full upgrade and service for your home, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our qualified electricians are here to provide you with the best advice and services in order to facilitate your upgrade.